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1 | Offer for funding and information at Helmholtz

Helmholtz Enterprise

The cross-center program for market reserach and spin-offs from the Helmholtz Association. In two calls each year all Helmholtz members can apply for the three months Field Study Fellowship market research module or the fourteen months spin-off module.

Learn more

Helmholtz Transfer Academies
Within the framework of the Helmholtz Transfer Academies, researchers are being sensitised, motivated and supported throughout the entire innovation process. To this end, they are supported by tailor-made training modules in cross-centre projects to ensure that they learn systematic innovation management.

Something missing?

Do you miss a funding offer of your center or in general? Feel free to contact us. We are always looking for new information.

Contact us

2 | Support at your center

Many centers offer their own entrepreneurship-related funding and information programs for market reserach, validation, and spinning out specifcally for their memebers. This overview shows you how you can get support from your center.